Sunday 16 August 2009

Holiday over

That's it then. My two weeks of motorcycle riding freedom are over and I'm back home and back to work tonight. Had a great two weeks and really enjoyed myself. Resolved to use the bike now as much as is physically possible. Pity the roads are so crap here in Rotherham. Will have to get out into the countryside more.
There is a Goldwing parade on in Scarborough on the twelvth of September so will try and be there for that.
Starts at ten in the morning with a final parade at eight on the evening.

Wednesday 12 August 2009


Went to Scarborough for the day yesterday. Had great run on bike. It was so hot that I ended up just wearing leather vest. Parked up on front where everyone could admire bike. Did sixty miles in total up and down coast. Enjoyed my day out.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

5th august 2009

It's really really hot here in Whitby today. Sat in the caravan with the aircon on full. Can't sit outside cos there is a plague of little black cornflies today. Just been sat reading and doing very little really.
Laura is coming to stop with me for a few days from tonight. She is coming up with her grandma and grandpa after his birthday party.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Thoughts on young bikers 4th August 2009

I Was sitting on my bike minding my own business looking at the sea this morning when , with a screechy whine , some youth on a sports bike pulls up alongside and immediately starts telling me that I need a new bike like his repulsive yellow pseudo racing bike instead of my big comfortable cruiser. He tells me that his is faster ( 150 mph ) and handles better and has carbon brakes and a lightweight carbon fibre body. I point out that mine does 80 if I really push it but prefers to be kept around the 55 mark. Mine has a lot more comfortable ride position than his hunched over back breaker. Mine has twin disc brakes on the front that stop it eventually and a back brake that sometimes works. But most importantly mine is 27 years old and passes it's mot test every year with no problems. I couldn't help but wonder where his piece of carbon fibre and alloy would be in 27 years- cola cans most likely. At this moment two quite attractive young ladies came up and expressed an interest in my bike and it's history and comented on how well it looked. At this my young aquaintance thrust his bright yellow leather clad leg down and shot off with a squeel of rubber. One of the young ladies looked after him for a moment and then uttered a phrase most descriptive. " what a dickhead! ".
We must remember that as bikers we ride alone on our own choice of machine. We pick a bike that is comfortable and which we enjoy. Some find the need for speed is their main concern and are quite welcome to ride their racing bikes ( which can do 150mph in a country where the legal max speed is 70mph ) whilst others such as myself prefer a large cruiser that is comfortable to ride over long distances. Some ride in leathers that match the colours of their bike or their favourite racing team whilst I ride in jeans and a leather vest in sunshine or an old fringed leather biker jacket if it's cooler. It's all a matter of personal choice and I don't expect others to ride the same as me or to expect me to ride the same as them.
Next time spare a thought young man ( who oddly enough wasn't even as old as my bike ) for the fact that in thirty years or so when you are as old as me you too might prefer the comfort of a big old cruiser that doesn't bend you over double with your knees tucked under your chin ( I doubt that I could physically acheive that position if I wanted too anyway ) and that really you don't need advice from someone who has only been riding on the road for a few years and who hasn't yet learned that individuality is the hallmark of a true biker not conforming to the herd.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Sunday 2nd August

Weather is glorious today. Been out on bike for a run up the coast this morning in my biker poser gear. Sleeveless black tshirt , leather vest ( with patches of course ) , jeans , biker boots , bandana and wrap around shades. It was brilliant. The feeling of everyone looking at you and men wanting to be you with the freedom you look like you have. Living the dream baby. Whitby is heaving though with day trippers. Going to spend rest of day at caravan just chilling in the sun. Forcast rain tomorrow and Tuesday.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Start of holiday

Started my summer holiday with a 103 mile motorcycle ride from Rotherham in South Yorkshire to Whitby in North Yorkshire. Two and a half hours riding at a steady 55 mph. Used just over half a tank of petrol to get here which works out at around £13 which is quite economical. It rained solidly from Rotherham to York but then turned dry when I got past York and by the time I got to Whitby I had dried out. Started raining here in Whitby at around noon so pushed bike into awning of caravan. Just stopped off once on journey for about 5 mins to stretch my legs and to get blood circulating back through my numb posterior.

Sunday 26 July 2009


It's lauras birthday today, she's 15, and everyone in the family Is gathering at the caravan in Whitby for the traditional fish and chip dinner. We have done this every year for the last ten years baring last year when we were in Paris.

Friday 24 July 2009

Chapter certificate

We got our Brothers Grim M C official chapter certificate today. That's it we are an official part of the Brothers Grim Motorcycle Club international family now.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Brothers Grim

I have been given the honour of becoming President of the new Rotherham chapter of the Brothers Grim Motorcycle Club. I am looking for members to join up. The only stipulation is that you be over 18 and have an interest in motorcycles ( and live in or around Rotherham South Yorkshire of course ).Male or female welcome and you don't even have to own a motorcycle ( although you may look a little silly actually running on a run out ). Once we have a few members we can appoint aditional officers and organize a run down to our brother chapter in Oxford. Any one interested is welcome to contact me.

Saturday 18 July 2009

Sad or what

It's my night off and I'm laid on the sofa watching a really corny film about a maneating tiger loose in American small town. Liz and Jackie are away at the caravan in Whitby and laura is on the computer messaging her equally sad friends. I really need to find a hobby that can fill in the time between motorcycle rides or that I can do on cold wet nights. Going to meadowhall with laura tomorrow so at least I will have the excitement of poundland to look forward to. I suppose that I should cut the grass if it is nice as well but it's one of those jobs that I don't look forward to but just suprise myself with. With any luck it will rain and I will be able to talk myself out of doing it.

Friday 17 July 2009

Summer time

I see that now the summer holidays are here and I am looking forward to doing a lot of motorcycle riding it's raining for a change.
Last summer was a complete washout as regard to biking but the met office have promised a decent summer this year. Keep watching the skies.
I have been given the opportunity to create a local chapter of the Canadian motorcycle club Brothers Grim MC here in Rotherham and think I am going to take up the chance. Will keep you posted as and when this takes off.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Olden days

Is it just me that looks back with nostalgia to his childhood and what seemed to be a happier time?
I remember winters of snow thar was measured in feet not inches and schools didn't shut down. We dug out garden paths and walkways and went to school.
I remember bonfire nights when we built bonfires as high as houses and they were a community event where everyone took part and we shared toffee and fizzy drinks and dads got a little drunk and mothers gossiped and knitted whilst sat on chairs destined to be burnt later.
We played out till it got dark and there was no fear and no one locked their doors during the day.
We fought and played and united against the next street kids and swam in local streams and rivers. We climbed trees and made bows and arrows and slingshots.
They were happier times. There were no hoodies and drugs and we were a lot more inocent.

Sunday 12 July 2009

coloscopy result

Got results back from hospital and its all clear on the bowel cancer front.Which is good news in a way but bad news in that we still dont know what is causing upset stomach and stomach cramps.
Not wheat allergy and not bowel cancer.
Barrium meal and xrays next i think.

weekend trikeing

Had the trike out this weekend for a run out to a local garden centre and then for a nice ice cream cone.

Polished the chrome and washed and waxed the bodywork sunday morning and now she looks the business.

Forgot about leg cramps and sore wrist from throttle control.Got to get some more runs in to get used to it.

Saturday 11 July 2009

So far so good

Got results back from hospital today and got the all clear.Still no idea whats causing stomach upset but at least its not bowel cancer.

Got trike back on road and went out for a drive today.Feels great to be out on the open road wearing bandana , wrap around shades and leather waistcoat.Biker heaven.
Shes a 27 year old Honda Goldwing GL1100DLX, triked in 1996 in the swedish style.

Monday 29 June 2009

Crazy day

Well how do i start my first blog.I'm going to use this to let members of my family and friends keep up to date with my life as it is.
Today i had a colonoscopy examination at Rotherham Hospital. The staff were great and the examination went pretty smoothly;mainly because i was heavily sedated on gas and air.